
Inclusive action: Realizing HIV prevention for adolescent girls and young women in their diversity

Progress in stopping new HIV infections has been unequal and uneven. But we know that strong investment in HIV prevention can make a difference – particularly for girls, their families and their communities, with amplifying effects for societies and economies at large. During this session, expect to hear personal stories and compelling evidence from a range of speakers, demonstrating the progress made on HIV prevention and also highlighting areas for improvement, all with the aim of making integrated HIV and sexual and reproductive health services and rights (SRHR) a reality for adolescent girls and young women in all their diversity. The session will reinforce goals and commitments towards reducing the global number of adolescent girls and young women newly infected with HIV to fewer than 100,000 and articulate concrete commitments towards integrating HIV and SRHR in line with the commitments made for ICPD25. The event will be convened by the Global HIV Prevention Coalition.

DATE Tue, 12 November
TIME 17:00 - 18:30 EAT
Location Courtyard 3
Event type Concurrent Sessions

Session gallery