
Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices

Today, more women have access to family planning information and services than ever before. Yet 232 million women in developing countries who want to prevent pregnancy are not using modern contraceptives. How can we meet their needs? What will it take to reach marginalized communities and those living in fragile and humanitarian settings? And who is going to pay for it? This signature session will explore the path forwards – engaging across sectors – to expand rights, agency and contraceptive choices to ensure that everyone everywhere can prosper as equal partners in sustainable development.

DATE Tue, 12 November
TIME 17:00 - 18:30 EAT
Location Aberdare/Lenana
Universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights as a part of universal health coverage
Event type Signature Sessions

Session gallery

​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices
​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices
​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices
​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices
​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices
​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices
​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices
​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices
​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices
​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices
​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices
​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices
​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices
​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices
​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices
​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices
​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices
​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices
​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices
​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices​Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices

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