Explore Commitments


Results (1292)

Commitment title:

Right to an informed choice

Commitment description:

Promote the right to free, informed and non-discriminatory choice in family planning and consumables, including medical services when required

Commitment category:

(2) Zero unmet need for family planning information and services, and universal availability of quality, affordable and safe modern contraceptives.

Mode of engagement:

  • Policy and guidance
Commitment made in : Honduras
To be actioned in : Honduras
Commitment title:

Reduction in maternal mortality

Commitment description:

a. Reduce the maternal mortality ratio to 65 per 100,000 live births by 2022

Commitment category:

(3) Zero preventable maternal deaths and maternal morbidities, such as obstetric fistulas, by, inter alia, integrating a comprehensive package of sexual and reproductive health interventions, including access to safe abortion to the full extent of the law, measures for preventing and avoiding unsafe abortions, and for the provision of post-abortion care, into national UHC strategies, policies and programmes, and to protect and ensure all individuals’ right to bodily integrity, autonomy and reproductive rights, and to provide access to essential services in support of these rights.

Mode of engagement:

  • Programmatic action
Commitment made in : Honduras
To be actioned in : Honduras
Commitment title:

Universal access to sexual and reproductive health services

Commitment description:

Achieve universal access to sexual and reproductive health services with a rights-based approach throughout the life of the Honduran population, in response to needs and priorities such as: gender-based violence, family planning, the prevention of adolescent pregnancy, HIV, syphilis and other STIs, among others, considering the social determinants of health

Commitment category:

(3) Zero preventable maternal deaths and maternal morbidities, such as obstetric fistulas, by, inter alia, integrating a comprehensive package of sexual and reproductive health interventions, including access to safe abortion to the full extent of the law, measures for preventing and avoiding unsafe abortions, and for the provision of post-abortion care, into national UHC strategies, policies and programmes, and to protect and ensure all individuals’ right to bodily integrity, autonomy and reproductive rights, and to provide access to essential services in support of these rights.

Mode of engagement:

  • Policy and guidance
Commitment made in : Honduras
To be actioned in : Honduras
Commitment title:

Institutional childbirth coverage

Commitment description:

Increase institutional childbirth coverage to 86 per cent by 2022

Commitment category:

(3) Zero preventable maternal deaths and maternal morbidities, such as obstetric fistulas, by, inter alia, integrating a comprehensive package of sexual and reproductive health interventions, including access to safe abortion to the full extent of the law, measures for preventing and avoiding unsafe abortions, and for the provision of post-abortion care, into national UHC strategies, policies and programmes, and to protect and ensure all individuals’ right to bodily integrity, autonomy and reproductive rights, and to provide access to essential services in support of these rights.

Mode of engagement:

  • Programmatic action
Commitment made in : Honduras
To be actioned in : Honduras
Commitment title:

Health services for adolescents

Commitment description:

Improve access to comprehensive health care services for adolescents, identifying and eliminating barriers

Commitment category:

(4) Access for all adolescents and youth, especially girls, to comprehensive and age-responsive information, education and adolescent-friendly comprehensive, quality and timely services to be able to make free and informed decisions and choices about their sexuality and reproductive lives, to adequately protect themselves from unintended pregnancies, all forms of sexual and  gender-based violence and harmful practices, sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS, to facilitate a safe transition into adulthood.

Mode of engagement:

  • Policy and guidance
Commitment made in : Honduras
To be actioned in : Honduras
Commitment title:

Ensure access to information and services

Commitment description:

Ensure access to high-quality information and services for the prevention of adolescent pregnancy, including contraceptive methods for sexually active adolescents

Commitment category:

(4) Access for all adolescents and youth, especially girls, to comprehensive and age-responsive information, education and adolescent-friendly comprehensive, quality and timely services to be able to make free and informed decisions and choices about their sexuality and reproductive lives, to adequately protect themselves from unintended pregnancies, all forms of sexual and  gender-based violence and harmful practices, sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS, to facilitate a safe transition into adulthood.

Mode of engagement:

  • Policy and guidance
Commitment made in : Honduras
To be actioned in : Honduras
Commitment title:

Comprehensive sexuality education

Commitment description:

Include comprehensive sexuality education from a gender and human rights perspective in the preschool, basic and secondary education curricula in the formal and non-formal systems and promote training and awareness-raising for teachers and parents and the production of educational materials to support the exercise of healthy and responsible sexuality

Commitment category:

(4) Access for all adolescents and youth, especially girls, to comprehensive and age-responsive information, education and adolescent-friendly comprehensive, quality and timely services to be able to make free and informed decisions and choices about their sexuality and reproductive lives, to adequately protect themselves from unintended pregnancies, all forms of sexual and  gender-based violence and harmful practices, sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS, to facilitate a safe transition into adulthood.

Mode of engagement:

  • Policy and guidance
Commitment made in : Honduras
To be actioned in : Honduras
Commitment title:

Comprehensive care for survivors of violence

Commitment description:

Design and implement a model of comprehensive medical, psychological and legal care and access to support networks for survivors of physical, psychological and sexual violence

Commitment category:

(5) (a) Zero sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices, including zero child, early and forced marriage, as well as zero female genital mutilation; and (b) Elimination of all forms of discrimination against all women and girls, in order to realize all individuals’ full socio-economic potential.

Mode of engagement:

  • Policy and guidance
Commitment made in : Honduras
To be actioned in : Honduras
Commitment title:

Coordination of policies to eliminate violence against women, girls and adolescents

Commitment description:

Create and strengthen coordination and cooperation bodies between the state departments and the legislative and judicial branches, for the design, approval, execution, monitoring and evaluation of programmes and public policies to prevent, address, penalize and eradicate all forms of violence against women, adolescents, girls and elderly women, from a gender and human rights perspective, with the participation of municipal governments, feminist and women's organizations and other civil...

Commitment category:

(5) (a) Zero sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices, including zero child, early and forced marriage, as well as zero female genital mutilation; and (b) Elimination of all forms of discrimination against all women and girls, in order to realize all individuals’ full socio-economic potential.

Mode of engagement:

  • Policy and guidance
Commitment made in : Honduras
To be actioned in : Honduras
Commitment title:

Eradication of the trafficking of women

Commitment description:

Strengthen legislation and the application of national and international legal instruments to prevent, penalize and eradicate the trafficking of women, adolescents and children for commercial sexual exploitation, including pornography, and other purposes such as labour exploitation, domestic servitude, illegal adoption, servile marriage and any slave-like practice for military purposes, the trafficking of organs or tissues or others that are identified

Commitment category:

(5) (a) Zero sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices, including zero child, early and forced marriage, as well as zero female genital mutilation; and (b) Elimination of all forms of discrimination against all women and girls, in order to realize all individuals’ full socio-economic potential.

Mode of engagement:

  • Change or creation of legislation
Commitment made in : Honduras
To be actioned in : Honduras
