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Commitment title:

Commitment Statment of the Republic of Togo for the Nairobi ICPD25 Sommit

Commitment description:

nous nous engageons à garantir à toutes les femmes en âge de procréer y compris les jeunes et les adolescentes, un accès à l’information et aux services de planification familiale de qualité en vue réduire de façon substantielle, les besoins non satisfaits en vue de  l’atteinte du  « Zéro besoin non satisfait en planification familiale».

Pour atteindre cet objectif, le gouvernement togolais s’engage à augmenter significativement chaque année, la ligne budgétaire destinée à l’...

Commitment category:

(3) Zero preventable maternal deaths and maternal morbidities, such as obstetric fistulas, by, inter alia, integrating a comprehensive package of sexual and reproductive health interventions, including access to safe abortion to the full extent of the law, measures for preventing and avoiding unsafe abortions, and for the provision of post-abortion care, into national UHC strategies, policies and programmes, and to protect and ensure all individuals’ right to bodily integrity, autonomy and reproductive rights, and to provide access to essential services in support of these rights.

Modes of engagement:

  • Budgetary and financial
  • Change or creation of legislation
  • Policy and guidance
  • Programmatic action
Commitment made in : Togo
To be actioned in : Togo
Commitment title:

Denmark’s commitment at Nairobi Summit

Commitment description:

1. Increase funding to international organizations working for the ICPD agenda within service delivery and advocacy with 225 million Danish kroners, including an extra 100 million Danish kroners to UNFPA in 2019. That is close to 15 mio. USD extra here and now in 2019 to UNFPA.

2. Team up with UNFPA to make sure that we follow up on the Nairobi Summit. To make everybody accountable for the commitments made. To make sure that we have fulfilled the promise of Cairo...

Commitment category:

(1)  Intensify our efforts for the full, effective and accelerated implementation and funding of the ICPD Programme of Action, Key Actions for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action of the ICPD, the outcomes of its reviews, and Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.

Commitment made in : Denmark
To be actioned in : Global
Commitment title:

UNAIDS Secretariat Commitment

Commitment description:

UNAIDS commits, in collaboration with the UNAIDS Joint Programme co-sponsors, to drive political will on HIV prevention and young women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights by supporting countries to: Remove barriers and harmful social norms resulting in young women`s high vulnerability to HIV in the African continent by pursuing a strategic initiative with UNFPA and UN Women. Remove parental consent laws for adolescents to access sexual and reproductive health services, including for...

Commitment category:

(4) Access for all adolescents and youth, especially girls, to comprehensive and age-responsive information, education and adolescent-friendly comprehensive, quality and timely services to be able to make free and informed decisions and choices about their sexuality and reproductive lives, to adequately protect themselves from unintended pregnancies, all forms of sexual and  gender-based violence and harmful practices, sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS, to facilitate a safe transition into adulthood.

Commitment made in : Global
To be actioned in : Global
Commitment title:

Commitment Category 5: GBV - Zero sexual and gender-based violence

Commitment description:

Commitment Category 5: GBV - Zero sexual and gender-based violence

In alignment with the Nairobi ICPD25 Summit global commitments for “GBV and harmful practices against women and girls”; Cook Islands Family Protection and Support Act 2017; and the National Gender Policy, we reaffirm that prioritizing gender equality, ensuring safe and dignified lives and improved health of women, girls and adolescents, including their sexual and reproductive health and rights...

Commitment category:

(5) (a) Zero sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices, including zero child, early and forced marriage, as well as zero female genital mutilation; and (b) Elimination of all forms of discrimination against all women and girls, in order to realize all individuals’ full socio-economic potential.

Modes of engagement:

  • Policy and guidance
  • Programmatic action
Commitment made in : Cook Islands
To be actioned in : Cook Islands
Commitment title:

Commitment Category 4: Universal Health Coverage - Youth SRHR

Commitment description:

In line with our National Youth Policy, we commit to giving access for adolescents and youth including those with disabilities to comprehensive and age-appropriate information, education and adolescent-friendly comprehensive, quality and timely services to be able to make informed choices about their sexuality and reproductive lives that protect them from unintended pregnancies, gender-based violence and STIs. Committing to the notion that nothing about young people’s health and well-being...

Commitment category:

(4) Access for all adolescents and youth, especially girls, to comprehensive and age-responsive information, education and adolescent-friendly comprehensive, quality and timely services to be able to make free and informed decisions and choices about their sexuality and reproductive lives, to adequately protect themselves from unintended pregnancies, all forms of sexual and  gender-based violence and harmful practices, sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS, to facilitate a safe transition into adulthood.

Modes of engagement:

  • Policy and guidance
  • Programmatic action
Commitment made in : Cook Islands
To be actioned in : Cook Islands
Commitment title:

Commitment Category 3: Universal Health Coverage - Zero preventable maternal deaths

Commitment description:


According to the Cook Islands National Health Strategic Plan (2018 – 2021) and the latest health statistics we continue to maintain zero maternal mortality ratio by;

  • Supporting and strengthening safe motherhood initiatives and Programs.
  • Strengthening Family Planning awareness.
  • Supporting and strengthening cancer screening and prevention Programs especially PAP smear and breast examination / screening.
  • Strengthening and supporting maternal and...

    Commitment category:

    (3) Zero preventable maternal deaths and maternal morbidities, such as obstetric fistulas, by, inter alia, integrating a comprehensive package of sexual and reproductive health interventions, including access to safe abortion to the full extent of the law, measures for preventing and avoiding unsafe abortions, and for the provision of post-abortion care, into national UHC strategies, policies and programmes, and to protect and ensure all individuals’ right to bodily integrity, autonomy and reproductive rights, and to provide access to essential services in support of these rights.

    Modes of engagement:

    • Policy and guidance
    • Programmatic action
Commitment made in : Cook Islands
To be actioned in : Cook Islands
Commitment title:

Commitment Category 2: Universal Health Coverage -Zero unmet need for Family Planning - Family planning for all!

Commitment description:

Family planning acceptance and uptake are targeted for improvement along with safe motherhood initiatives such as breastfeeding, maternal nutrition. We are committed to strengthening our non-governmental organisations who tireless work together of our Ministry of Health to raise awareness and provide services for family services to our Cook Islands people. We acknowledge the work of the Cook Islands Family Welfare in partnership with the International Planned Parenthood Federation who are...

Commitment category:

(2) Zero unmet need for family planning information and services, and universal availability of quality, affordable and safe modern contraceptives.

Modes of engagement:

  • Policy and guidance
  • Programmatic action
Commitment made in : Cook Islands
To be actioned in : Cook Islands
Commitment title:

Commitment Category 1: ICPD Programme of Action and SDGs - Double commitment, double effort to align and collaborate implementation

Commitment description:

Our Cook Islands National Sustainable Development Plan (NSDP) is aligned to the SDG’s with a vision for all Cook Islands people “To enjoy the highest quality of life consistent with the aspirations of our people, and in harmony with our culture and environment”, The NSDP articulates our plan for development under 16 national goals that represent our aspirations across different dimensions of our economy including; Strengthening resilience to climate change and natural disaster, ensuring a...

Commitment category:

(1)  Intensify our efforts for the full, effective and accelerated implementation and funding of the ICPD Programme of Action, Key Actions for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action of the ICPD, the outcomes of its reviews, and Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.

Modes of engagement:

  • Policy and guidance
  • Programmatic action
Commitment made in : Cook Islands
To be actioned in : Cook Islands
Commitment title:

I will use my power to speak up on the pressing issues faced by women and youth in Kenya, shedding light on the lack of access to sanitary and end period shame

Commitment description:

I will use my power to speak up on the pressing issues faced by women and youth in Kenya, shedding light on the lack of access to sanitary and end period shame

Commitment category:

(3) Zero preventable maternal deaths and maternal morbidities, such as obstetric fistulas, by, inter alia, integrating a comprehensive package of sexual and reproductive health interventions, including access to safe abortion to the full extent of the law, measures for preventing and avoiding unsafe abortions, and for the provision of post-abortion care, into national UHC strategies, policies and programmes, and to protect and ensure all individuals’ right to bodily integrity, autonomy and reproductive rights, and to provide access to essential services in support of these rights.

Modes of engagement:

  • Change or creation of legislation
  • Programmatic action
Commitment made in : Global
To be actioned in : Global
Commitment title:

Cook Islands Government National Statement of Commitment to the Nairobi ICPD25 Summit, 12-14 November 2019.

Commitment description:

We the Government of the Cook Islands commit to developing our nation’s first Population Policy within the next three years and aligning all new underpinning Social Policy with the ICPD program.

We commit to achieving zero unmet need for family planning information and services and universal availability of quality, affordable and safe modern contraceptives by no later than 2030; as contained in SDG target 3.7 and SDG target 5.6


Commitment category:

(1)  Intensify our efforts for the full, effective and accelerated implementation and funding of the ICPD Programme of Action, Key Actions for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action of the ICPD, the outcomes of its reviews, and Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.

Modes of engagement:

  • Policy and guidance
  • Programmatic action
Commitment made in : Cook Islands
To be actioned in : Cook Islands
