UNAIDS Secretariat Commitment
Commitment description:UNAIDS commits, in collaboration with the UNAIDS Joint Programme co-sponsors, to drive political will on HIV prevention and young women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights by supporting countries to: Remove barriers and harmful social norms resulting in young women`s high vulnerability to HIV in the African continent by pursuing a strategic initiative with UNFPA and UN Women. Remove parental consent laws for adolescents to access sexual and reproductive health services, including for contraception and HIV-related services, in 4 countries: Lesotho, Malawi, Uganda, and Zambia. Ensure access by adolescent girls and young women to integrated sexual and reproductive health information, education and services in areas with very high HIV in 7 countries-- Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe—with emphasis on prevention of HIV and STIs within contraceptive services and expanding contraceptive choice, as well as addressing gender-based violence. Leverage the leadership and resources of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis to best respond to the demands of adolescent girls and young women and other key populations living with or at high risk of HIV—emphasizing local action for prevention, alongside approaches that tackle poverty and gender-based discrimination and violence. Galvanize political will to end social injustice in 30 countries through the Global Partnership for Action to Eliminate All Forms of HIV-Related Stigma and Discrimination, to confront head on the fear, violence, criminal laws and violations of the human rights and freedoms faced by key populations hard-hit by the HIV epidemic. Develop a simplified methodology to assist countries in collecting reliable data on key populations to improve planning and implementation of HIV prevention, treatment and support services, alongside protection of their human rights, safety and dignity.
(4) Access for all adolescents and youth, especially girls, to comprehensive and age-responsive information, education and adolescent-friendly comprehensive, quality and timely services to be able to make free and informed decisions and choices about their sexuality and reproductive lives, to adequately protect themselves from unintended pregnancies, all forms of sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices, sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS, to facilitate a safe transition into adulthood.