Diana Miloslavich
Coordination Flora Tristán

Coordinator of the Political Participation and Decentralization Program of the Peruvian Women's Center Flora Tristán. Member of the Steering Committee of Flora Tristan. Promoter of plans, policies, and legal initiatives in relation to violence against women, political harassment, cities for women. Political participation and parity, female migration; disaster risk management with a gender approach, among others. Spokeswoman of the Campaign We are Half we want Parity without harassment.

Feminist, Defender. Studied Literature at the UNMSM. With doctoral studies in Social Sciences, History specialty, with Master's studies in Peruvian and Latin American Literature at the UNMSM. Advisor to the National Network of Women Authorities RENAMA. Member of the Inter-Institutional Panel for the monitoring of the political participation of women.

She is a focal point in Peru of the Latin America Women and Habitat Network, promoting the experience of safe cities for women in Peru.

She has published the book María Elena Moyano en Busca de una Esperanza, the year (1992), with editions in Spain, Italy, USA, Japan. Her works of women's literature are compiled in: Literatura de Mujeres, Una mirada desde el feminismo (2012); an essay on Feminism and Suffrage 1933-1956, published in the ONPE Magazine (2016); Gender, Parity, and Disaster Risk Management (2018); Flora Tristan: Peregrinaciones de una Paria en el Perú (2019

All photos are courtesy of speakers or their affiliations unless otherwise indicated.