The report, Rights, Justice, Action: Making sexual and reproductive justice a reality for all: A report for youth by youth reflecting on the findings and recommendations of the High-Level Commission on the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 Follow-up, was created by young people, for young people, to make sure that everyone, regardless of age, can participate in the global effort toward sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice. This report presents how stakeholders organize global efforts toward implementing the commitments made at the landmark Nairobi Summit on ICPD25. This resource provides young people with key information to encourage their meaningful participation and advocacy to support the implementation of the ICPD25 Commitments and their integration into the forthcoming ICPD30 review processes.
The report is a youth- and user-friendly version of the reports published by the High-Level Commission on the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 Follow-up. The report responds to a repeated call by the Commission for the need to meaningfully engage young people in the advancement and accountability for the implementation of the Nairobi commitments. The report is accompanied by a youth guide that provides practical tools for young people to engage in ICPD processes.
The guide, From ICPD25 to ICPD30: Keeping the Cairo and Nairobi commitments Alive - An engagement guide by young people, for young people, was created to empower young people to engage with the broader ICPD agenda. It provides young people with the tools, knowledge, and inspiration needed to contribute to the progress made since the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 and to create a fair, equal, and sustainable future where sexual and reproductive rights are in place for all youth in all their diversity. This guide accompanies the report, “Rights, Justice, Action: Making Sexual and Reproductive Justice a Reality for All”.