The 2023 report of the High-Level Commission on the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 Follow-up provides a quick and accessible overview presenting the thought-leadership of the Commission and summarizes its findings and recommendations of the past three years, and follows in the footsteps of the Commission’s highly acclaimed 2021 and 2022 reports. The report demonstrates the power of sexual and reproductive justice as a framework to link issues, people’s movements and monitoring to keep progress on track.
At the same time, the report urges action. In 2019, the Nairobi Summit made a series of commitments to complete the ICPD agenda; progress, however, is lagging. It is true that the Commission’s tenure was marked by multiple crises that set the entire world off track. Yet as we look towards the thirtieth anniversary of the ICPD in 2024 and beyond, we must remain ever vigilant against backtracking – and insistent on much faster advances.
This report highlights progress in implementing the 12 core global Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 Follow-up commitments. It also highlights opportunities to further advance the Nairobi commitments through a sexual and reproductive justice framework in global, regional and country contexts.
2023 Scorecard Nairobi global commtiments monitoring framework & country profiles:
Complementing the concise final report by the Commission, this document presents the full-length 2023 scorecard of the Global Commtiments Monitoring Framework, along with a new range of Country Profiles spanning all regions and a detailed methodological note.
The High Level Commission also developed an interactive online dashboard that incorporates all of the annual GCMF scorecards and country profiles that can be accessed here.