We commit to advocate for increased budget allocations in relation to the commitment to action as per ICPD Nairobi 2019
Commitment description:Share with our communities the priority actions agreed at ICPD
Hold national dialogues on financing for the priority actions from the ICPD
Conduct dialogue meeting with the Budget TWG of the ministry of health to advocate for allocation of resources to the action plan
Conduct dialogue meeting with the members of the standing committee of Health and Budget in Uganda Parliament to advocate for allocation of resources to priorities in the action plan raise Ministry of health
Conduct a national health financing conference to take stock of national financing for the ICPD action plan priorities allocated resources and actually implemented in relation to national budget 2019/2020
Mode of engagement:
- Budgetary and financialNational Budget Consultative meetings with stakeholders National Budget analysis, tracking using findings to engage Ministry of health and Parliamentary health committee Implement social accountability programmes - community score card, citizens
Value: 100%
(6) Using national budget processes, including gender budgeting and auditing, increasing domestic financing and exploring new, participatory and innovative financing instruments and structures to ensure full, effective and accelerated implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action.