South-South and Triangular Cooperation to accelerate the promise of ICPD
Commitment description:PPD is committed to promote South-South and Triangular Cooperation in RH and Population to accelerate the achievement of ICPD. Efforts to achieve the three zeros, ensure universal health coverage and attain global health objectives will concentrate on advocacy and national policy development, sharing of information and best practices, increasing domestic, bilateral and multilateral funding, building institutional and individual capacities and establish and promote SSTC Centers of Excellence.
Modes of engagement:
- Budgetary and financialIntensifying efforts and actions for advocacy and national policy development to increase financial resources, including domestic, bilateral and multilateral funding which will contribute in launching effective SSTC programs in RH and population.
Value: Encourage PPD member states to increase by 3% the budget allocated for SSTC programs in RH
- Change or creation of legislationIncrease opportunities for documenting and sharing RH/FP related laws and legislative measures proven to be effective in PPD member states with other developing countries. Parliamentarians networks like NEAPACOH will be used to share best practices.
- Policy and guidanceMake policies to address emerging population issues including data utilization, low fertility, ageing and youth development for harnessing the demographic dividend and ensure SRH and FP services in hard-to-reach areas and humanitarians setting.
- Programmatic actionInstitutionalization of the International Inter ministerial Conference on South-South Cooperation in Population and Development will serve as a global platform for advocacy, policy development and exchange of solutions in addressingRH and Population.
(1) Intensify our efforts for the full, effective and accelerated implementation and funding of the ICPD Programme of Action, Key Actions for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action of the ICPD, the outcomes of its reviews, and Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.