11 May 2021
Commitment title:
Provide quality, timely and disaggregated data, by investing in digital health innovations and improving data systems, in order to achieve sustainable development
Commitment description:Conduct general population and housing censuses and sectoral surveys that comply with international standards by 2022; Improve the quality of routine health information by reducing data gaps from 10 per cent to 2 per cent
Mode of engagement:
- Programmatic actionRéaliser les opérations de recensement et les enquêtes sectorielles basées sur le respect des normes internationales ; Améliorer la qualité de l’information sanitaire de routine
Commitment to be actioned in:
Submitted from:
Submitted by
Ministère de la Santé, de la Population, de la promotion de la Femme et de l'Intégration de la Femme au développement
Thematic area
Draw on demographic diversity to drive economic growth and achieve sustainable development
Commitment category
(10) Providing quality, timely and disaggregated data, that ensures privacy of citizens and is also inclusive of younger adolescents, investing in digital health innovations, including in big data systems, and improvement of data systems to inform policies aimed at achieving sustainable development.