Commitment title:

Haiti’s commitments to fulfil ICPD promises to realize rights and choices for all

Commitment description:

1.Involve youth in all decisions affecting them by developing policies and strategies with them and for them, aimed at promoting their rights and well-being as well as Haiti’s prosperity. 2. Ensure young people's access to decent work in the public, private and informal sectors that meets current and future needs and challenges, including through new information technologies. 3. Prioritize targeted funding to increase and facilitate access to quality emergency obstetric and neonatal care to reduce maternal mortality to 140 per 100,000 live births by 2030. 4.Broaden access to a choice of modern contraceptive methods by reducing unmet need by 20 per cent nationwide, and prioritizing comprehensive sexuality education as well as access to reliable information and quality services, within the framework of Haiti’s FP2020 commitments and beyond. 5.Adopt and enforce the law against gender-based violence currently under review by Parliament, and take measures to end impunity. 6. Invest in the economic empowerment of women and girls, encourage women’s leadership, and take all other measures required to reduce gender inequalities and discrimination. 7. Ensure cooperation with countries of transit and destination for Haitian migrants, and finalize and validate a migration policy that can support better managed migratory flows. 8.Conduct Haiti’s 5th General Population and Housing Census by 2020 to provide disaggregated statistical data necessary for the country’s development and policymaking, and by the end of 2021, draft a national population policy. 9. Encourage investment in human capital, and strengthen youth potential by advocating for adequate budgets in key economic sectors that support sustainable development. 10.Ensure equity for and uphold all rights among Afro-descendant and indigenous peoples by adhering to the plan of action of the international decide of people of African Descent and the commitments made at the Durban Conference in 2001 and strengthening South-South cooperation with counties in Latin American and the Caribbean to fight against discrimination and racism in all it’s forms.

Modes of engagement:
  • Budgetary and financial
    Encourage investment in human capital, and strengthen youth potential by advocating for adequate budgets in key economic sectors that support sustainable development Targeted funding to increase access to quality EmONC reduce MM to140/100K by 2030
  • Change or creation of legislation
    Adopt and enforce the law against gender-based violence currently under review by Parliament, and take measures to end impunity Broaden access to a choice of modern contraceptive methods by reducing unmet need by 20 per cent nationwide
  • Policy and guidance
    Draft a national population policy by the end of 2021 Finalize and validate a migration policy that can support better managed migratory flows Involve youth in decisions affecting them by developing policies and strategies with them and for them
  • Programmatic action
    Ensure young people's access to decent work in the public, private and informal sectors Invest in the economic empowerment of women and girls South-South Coop with LAC countries by adhering to the Int. decade for People of African Descent PoA
Commitment to be actioned in: Haiti
Submitted from: Haiti
Submitted by
Ministry of Public Health and Population
Commitment category

(1)  Intensify our efforts for the full, effective and accelerated implementation and funding of the ICPD Programme of Action, Key Actions for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action of the ICPD, the outcomes of its reviews, and Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.