Commitment title:

At least two laws are revised/adopted/operationalized to reinforce youth participation in decision making both at national and local levels

Commitment description:

By 2030, at least two laws are revised/adopted/operationalized to reinforce youth participation in decision making both at national and local levels (i.e. Youth Quota law, amending the clause related to the right for voting to 18 years of age instead of 21, law to ensure youth participation among CSO’s boards/age for establishing NGOs, etc.)

Mode of engagement:
  • Policy and guidance
    by 2030, at least two laws are revised/adopted/operationalized to reinforce youth participation in decision making both at national and local levels
Commitment to be actioned in: Lebanon
Submitted from: Lebanon
Submitted by
National Commission for Lebanese Women (NCLW), Lebanon
Thematic area
Draw on demographic diversity to drive economic growth and achieve sustainable development
Commitment category

(9) Building peaceful, just and inclusive societies, where no one is left behind, where all, irrespective of race, colour, religion, sex, age, disability, language, ethnic origin, sexual orientation and gender identity or expression, feel valued and are able to shape their own destiny and contribute to the prosperity of their societies.