Commitment title:

Zero unment need for family planning in Sudan

Commitment description:

Provision of any possible technical support to my colleagues at UNFPA both at CO and sub-offices levels, implementing partners and ministry of health on family planning in order to improve the access to service, utilization of available service and quality of FP care. I will make myself more updated on any new developments in the area of FP and also will do my best to learn from other countries and the success stories. I will do my best to collect/ develop as much strong and convincing evidences as possible and use policy briefs to mobilize resources and gain more political support.

Mode of engagement:
  • Policy and guidance
    Support technically the development/ abandonment of supportive policies to achieve zero unmet need for FP.
Commitment to be actioned in: Sudan
Submitted from: Sudan
Submitted by
Thematic area
Achieve universal access to sexual and reproductive health as a part of universal health coverage (UHC)
Commitment category

(2) Zero unmet need for family planning information and services, and universal availability of quality, affordable and safe modern contraceptives.