Commitment title:

Zero Unmet Need for Family Planning

Commitment description:

a) We commit to conduct 14 Orientation meetings targeting 48 Parliamentarians, 160 Ward Councillors, 5 Area Council Chairpersons, 2 Mayors, 700 Religious and Community Leaders towards ensuring a multi-sectoral approach and involvement of various stakeholders to mainstream Family Planning in all sectors by 2023.

b) We commit to train and commission 1750 (350 per year) Community Based Service Providers to increase the uptake and access to Family Planning and Sexual and Reproductive Health services to all who need it including displaced persons, adolescents, sexually active unmarried couples, out of school youths, commercial sex workers and other vulnerable groups (disable and mentally ill persons) by 2025

c) We commit to train 500 (100 per year) Clinical Service Providers to provide long term contraceptive methods in all level of health care delivery system by 2024.

d) We commit to attain uninterrupted supply of contraceptives at all levels of service delivery by reducing proportion of facilities with no Family Planning commodity stock out from 17% to 0% by 2021

g) We commit to support operational research on the introduction of new contraceptive methods applicable for use

h) We commit to strengthen advocacy, communication and behavioral change to increase uptake of FP/SRH services in all the regions by end 2024 targeting men.

Mode of engagement:
  • Programmatic action
    Advocacy and training on Family Planning
Commitment to be actioned in: Gambia
Submitted from: global
Submitted by
National Population Commission Secretariat
Thematic area
Achieve universal access to sexual and reproductive health as a part of universal health coverage (UHC)
Commitment category

(2) Zero unmet need for family planning information and services, and universal availability of quality, affordable and safe modern contraceptives.