Commitment to access friendly health service and psycho-social SGBV survivors in Somalia
Commitment description:commitment of ending gender basic violence and harmful practices of child, early and forced marriages as well as female genital mutilation through encourage for women's right ,development to young people ,delaying marriage beyond childhood and ensuring full choice in marriage related decision engage right to health ,including access to quality health service and promotion of gender activity role and protection from gender based violence and socialization .more resources for work on gender-based violence and we will work to ensure that these resources are directed towards those women and girls most affected .encourage effective collaboration and coordination, combine service delivery and health system encourage effective collaboration and coordination within and between teams and between staff and patient.Our support is specifically toward strengthening and support the right of women to freedom from violence. We hope to encourage coordination, collaboration and partnerships between different sectors from governments, the private sector, civil society and multilateral institutions because no single organization can solve violence against women and girls by acting alone. Increased capacity of and to prevent female genital mutilation and protect girls at risk; Increased knowledge and developments in policy, legislation and research to the prevent the risk of female genital mutilation
Mode of engagement:
- Programmatic actionCommitment to SGBV survivors to access Health and PSS services, and counselling and Equity and non discrimination delaying early marriage , and ending female genital mutilation and gender base violence .
(5) (a) Zero sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices, including zero child, early and forced marriage, as well as zero female genital mutilation; and (b) Elimination of all forms of discrimination against all women and girls, in order to realize all individuals’ full socio-economic potential.