Commitment title:

Country Commitment Statement

Commitment description:

Achieve by 2030:
-6% unmet need for FP and 50% CPR
-MMR of 70 /100,000 live births
-Improve adolescents and youth access to culturally-sensitive and age-appropriate information, education and friendly, quality and responsive RHS
-Reduce U5M rate to below 25 deaths /1000 live births, IMR to 18 /1000 LB and NMR to below 12 /1000 LB
-Equitable distribution of health facilities and resources
-Achieve 100% National Health Insurance coverage
-Include RH/FP in NHIS
-Reduce new HIV, AIDS/STIs
-Eliminate harmful socio-cultural norms and practices
-Reduce: DV to ≤1000 cases; CM 18yrs by 90%; FGM 15-19yrs to 0%
-Protect the girl child from emerging criminal activities
-Strengthen capacity of SGBV management institutions
-Sustain gender parity for all levels of education
-Formulate sexual harassment policy
-Strengthen RH/FP commodities security
-Increase domestic financing and ODA for RH/FP programmes
-Expand investments for youth
-Build peaceful, just and inclusive societies
-Promote youth participation in decision-making
-Improve inclusion of OVCs in all spheres of child development (education, justice for children, etc.)
-RH/FP access for vulnerable groups including PWDs
-Promote safe, orderly and regular migration
-Prevent, combat and eradicate trafficking in persons
-Scale up interventions to minimize rural-urban migration
-Institute early warning mechanisms for internal displacement
-Promote equitable human settlement planning
-Facilitate access to basic social services in slums
-Increase percentage of Districts with disaster risk reduction plans
-Establish a Cross-sectoral planning group on population
-Incorporate AADPD/ICPD-PoA into national plans
-Reposition population management
-Strengthen oversight role of parliament
-Ensure quality, timely and disaggregated population data
-Improve CRVS systems
-Strengthen multi-stakeholder partnerships
-Reorient development partners to prioritise P&D
-Strengthen regional and South-Sou

Modes of engagement:
  • Change or creation of legislation
    Pass Affirmative Action Bill into law Pass Older Persons Bill into law Develop a Legislative Instrument for Spatial Planning and Land Use 2016 (Act 925) Implement the Legislative Instrument for Mental Health Act 2012 (Act 846)
  • Policy and guidance
    National: Population Policy, 2017 SRH Policy for YP, 2017 Migration Policy, 2014 Urban Policy, 2012 Social Protection Policy, 2015 Gender Policy, 2015 Ageing Policy Youth Policy Mental Health Policy Health Policy Health Insurance Policy
  • Programmatic action
    Medium-Term Development Policy Framework Sector Plans and Budgets Municipal, Metropolitan and District Assembly Plans and Budgets National Annual Budgets Annual Progress Reports for National, Sector and Districts Family Planning Programme
Commitment to be actioned in: Ghana
Submitted from: Ghana
Submitted by
Commitment category

(1)  Intensify our efforts for the full, effective and accelerated implementation and funding of the ICPD Programme of Action, Key Actions for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action of the ICPD, the outcomes of its reviews, and Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.