(2) Zero unmet need for family planning information and services, and universal availability of quality, affordable and safe modern contraceptives.
Commitment description:The Verdefam - Cape Verdean Association for the Protection of the Family - created in 1995, is a full member of the IPPF, has become established as a privileged partner of public services in the field of Sexual and Reproductive Health by complementing the actions developed with a focus on the target audience with greater difficulties in accessing the services, both from the point of view of culture as a physicist, either through opening of information centers in some communities and also of regular movements of mobile stations providing complete services for information, advice and offer of contracetivos methods reaching especially teenagers, young people, men and women of childbearing age. One of the objectives adopted at the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD Cairo1994) was to ensure universal access to reproductive health (SR), considered essential to the protection of the health and well-being of individuals, women, families and society as a whole, which has made a couple of guidelines of the IPPF, the main engine of Verdefam's actions during the 24 years of its existence with a strong partnership, both technical and financial of UNFPA.Taking into account the statistical data on Family Planning, the percentage of the population that knows the methods contracetivos round the 100% (IDSR-II, 2005), but the contracetiva prevalence was found to be 57%.The meso follows the interim results of the idsr-III, 2018 point to the continuation of these rates.Thus, to achieve the goal (0) ZERO unmet needs in family planning, you will need a national commitment involving society as a whole, including the health sector and education civil society as a whole, families etc. Specifically the Verdefam undertakes to intensify the actions already existing in all seven islands where there is representation, bringing information and services of contraceção to break the cultural barriers that have hindered the improvement of contraceção rates in the country.
Mode of engagement:
- Programmatic actionThe Verdefam undertakes to intensify the actions already exist in the 7 islands with representation, bringing information and services of contraception to break the cultural barriers in order to achieve the goal as recommended
(2) Zero unmet need for family planning information and services, and universal availability of quality, affordable and safe modern contraceptives.