Commitment title:

Reduce unwanted and unplanned pregnancies in NL

Commitment description:

On behalf of the Netherlands’ Ministry of Health, Wellbeing and Sport, we commit to assisting women in the Netherlands who are in vulnerable situations, with tailor-made interventions addressing their specific questions, needs, barriers and possibilities regarding sexuality, contraceptives and having children;

Mode of engagement:
  • Policy and guidance
    Ministry of Health
Commitment to be actioned in: Netherlands
Submitted from: Netherlands
Submitted by
Kingdom of the Netherlands
Thematic area
Achieve universal access to sexual and reproductive health as a part of universal health coverage (UHC)
Commitment category

(3) Zero preventable maternal deaths and maternal morbidities, such as obstetric fistulas, by, inter alia, integrating a comprehensive package of sexual and reproductive health interventions, including access to safe abortion to the full extent of the law, measures for preventing and avoiding unsafe abortions, and for the provision of post-abortion care, into national UHC strategies, policies and programmes, and to protect and ensure all individuals’ right to bodily integrity, autonomy and reproductive rights, and to provide access to essential services in support of these rights.