Commitment title:


Commitment description:

Improve access to preventive programs and comprehensive care of health problems and non-transmissible diseases of greater involvement in women, with emphasis on addressing violence, cardiovascular, metabolic, degenerative, neoplastic and mental health diseases.

Promote the recognition and effective realization of sexual rights and reproductive rights as human rights.

Strengthen an effective response to priority women's health problems, including maternal mortality, unsafe abortions, teenage pregnancies, STIs and HIV.

Incorporate the mainstreaming of the equality approach in the National Health System in the performance of the essential functions: rectory, financing, regulation and provision of individual and collective health services.

Modes of engagement:
  • Budgetary and financial
    Every Government’s institution must to use the National Plan for Gender Equality and Equity 2019-2030 in his own year institutional planning and budget.
  • Change or creation of legislation
    The Ministry of Women is currently working on the design of the third edition of the National Gender Equality and Equity Plan that will be implemented from November 25, 2019 and has a coverage framework until 2030. This Plan has mandatory application
  • Policy and guidance
    By the implementation of our National Plan for Gender Equality and Equity 2019-2030, that include different policies and stakeholders, the Ministry of Women expects that by 2030, the Dominican Republic will have those goals done.
  • Programmatic action
    From 2020 to 2030, each institution must include in its annual operating plan, the lines of action mandated by the national plan for Gender Equality and Equality 2019-2030.
Commitment to be actioned in: Dominican Republic
Submitted from: Dominican Republic
Submitted by
Thematic area
Uphold the right to sexual and reproductive health care in humanitarian and fragile contexts
Commitment category

(12) Ensuring that the basic humanitarian needs and rights of affected populations, especially that of girls and women, are addressed as critical components of responses to humanitarian and environmental crises, as well as fragile and post-crisis reconstruction contexts, through the provision of access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health information, education and services, including access to safe abortion services to the full extent of the law, and post-abortion care, to significantly reduce maternal mortality and morbidity, sexual and gender-based violence and unplanned pregnancies under these conditions.