Commitment title:

Youth Centers

Commitment description:

• By 2022, Ministry of Education, Culture and Research will ensure the availability of the Youth Centers in 100% of the regions of the Republic of Moldova in order to deliver outreach services and opportunities to the young people, including the most vulnerable
• By 2030 Ministry of Education, Culture and Research will advance the work of the “Joint Fund for development of youth services for young people, including the most vulnerable” through building the capacities of youth workers at the community level and local public administration to work with the young people, including most vulnerable groups of youngsters.

Commitment to be actioned in: Republic of Moldova
Submitted from: Republic of Moldova
Submitted by
Republic of Moldova
Thematic area
Draw on demographic diversity to drive economic growth and achieve sustainable development
Commitment category

(9) Building peaceful, just and inclusive societies, where no one is left behind, where all, irrespective of race, colour, religion, sex, age, disability, language, ethnic origin, sexual orientation and gender identity or expression, feel valued and are able to shape their own destiny and contribute to the prosperity of their societies.