Youth corner
Welcome to the Youth Corner. All that you need to know as a youth participant of the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 is here.
With the Nairobi Summit just around the corner, use this Checklist for Youth Participants to make sure you have all you need before leaving for Nairobi. The checklist will give you tips on:
- Preparation and safeguarding
- Connecting to others and social media
- Getting ready for your advocacy
- Logistics and packing
Preparation materials
Take a look at the Youth Prep Guide to learn more about the Summit and the programme and access tips and materials for getting ready.
If you missed the preparation webinars, you can access the materials here:
- Recording and Presentation Webinar No.4 (Update, 5 November) — All that you need to know about last-minute preparations and what to expect at the Summit: Check out the recording and presentation from the last preparation webinar on the Road to Nairobi.
- Recording and Presentation Webinar No.3 (Update, 31 October) — Would you like to learn more about how you can communicate effectively for your advocacy? Check out the recording and presentation from the third preparation webinar, co-hosted with the Population Reference Bureau.
- Recording and Presentation Webinar No.2 (Update, 25 October) — Would you like to learn more about how you can navigate international conferences as a youth advocate? Check out the recording and presentation from the second preparation webinar, co-hosted with Plan International.
- Recording and Presentation Webinar No.1 (Update, 18 October) — Check out the recording and presentation from the webinar focusing on “Organizing and Mobilizing on the Road to Nairobi,'' co-hosted by MGCY and Restless Development.
We want to make sure your participation in the Summit is meaningful, enjoyable and safe. Before travelling to Nairobi, please read the Safeguarding Guidelines for Youth Participants which explain what you can expect from us, what is expected of you, and how to report any concerns.
You can also take a look at the recording and presentation from the Webinar on Safeguarding to learn more about the measures in place.
Engage and mobilize
Whether or not you are joining us at Nairobi, check out the official ICPD25 Youth Engagement Toolkit to learn about how you can mobilize around ICPD25. This toolkit will help all youth advocates interested in ICPD issues to learn more about the ICPD, organize satellite events and join the conversation through social media.
Please reach out to Irem Tumer ( for any questions related to youth engagement at the Nairobi Summit.