Adolescents are the most important target group for Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) within Universal Health Coverage (UHC). We believe that SRHR should be prioritised within the quest towards UHC, and should be among the first services to become universally accessible. There should be a particular focus on ensuring access for adolescents, given the particularly sensitive age bracket that this encompasses – thus adolescents need to have the knowledge, access and right to control... (3) Zero preventable maternal deaths and maternal morbidities, such as obstetric fistulas, by, inter alia, integrating a comprehensive package of sexual and reproductive health interventions, including access to safe abortion to the full extent of the law, measures for preventing and avoiding unsafe abortions, and for the provision of post-abortion care, into national UHC strategies, policies and programmes, and to protect and ensure all individuals’ right to bodily integrity, autonomy and reproductive rights, and to provide access to essential services in support of these rights.Mode of engagement:
Maternal And Infant Health (4) Access for all adolescents and youth, especially girls, to comprehensive and age-responsive information, education and adolescent-friendly comprehensive, quality and timely services to be able to make free and informed decisions and choices about their sexuality and reproductive lives, to adequately protect themselves from unintended pregnancies, all forms of sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices, sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS, to facilitate a safe transition into adulthood.
In Rural areas,skilled birth attendants is restricted to doctors, nurse. Majority of the midwives lack formal training in pregnancy and birth related matters. This often leads to prolonged Obstructed Labour and eventually death.we focusing on the creation of mentor mothers, Well informed mothers that will help this women visit hospitals during their pregnancy to avoid giving birth at health Volunteers help to connect community members to...Mode of engagement:
This commitment will be based on findings of YWCA movement between 2018 and 2020, that is aimed to support young women through individual and collective action to transform key narratives at community and country level, to positively impact policy decisions that enhance young women's sexual and reproductive health rights, mental health, combating Gender Based Violence, ending forced and child marriages. By 2030 YWCA will have supported 400 young women to identify and transform core,... (5) (a) Zero sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices, including zero child, early and forced marriage, as well as zero female genital mutilation; and (b) Elimination of all forms of discrimination against all women and girls, in order to realize all individuals’ full socio-economic potential.Mode of engagement:
By 2021, we commit to hosting a ´Speak-Up´ Adolescents Forum, bringing together 60 adolescents from all 6 regions in The Gambia, to provide them with information on sexual and reproductive health and rights, gender-based violence and harmful traditional practices and encourage experience sharing with the aim of ensuring young people are open-minded enough to talk about their issues and come up with their own solutions.
(4) Access for all adolescents and youth, especially girls, to comprehensive and age-responsive information, education and adolescent-friendly comprehensive, quality and timely services to be able to make free and informed decisions and choices about their sexuality and reproductive lives, to adequately protect themselves from unintended pregnancies, all forms of sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices, sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS, to facilitate a safe transition into adulthood.
The Government of Uganda (GOU) Should Commit To Finalizing And Rolling Out The Implementation Of The National Framework Of Sexuality Education Adolescents' And Young People's Access To Youth-friendly SRH Services Access To Safe Abortion Services Sexual And Gender Based Violence. The GOU Should Address The Barriers That Undermine Gender Equality And Perpetuate SGBV Build Support Among Community Leaders And Key Influencers Invest In Strategies... (12) Ensuring that the basic humanitarian needs and rights of affected populations, especially that of girls and women, are addressed as critical components of responses to humanitarian and environmental crises, as well as fragile and post-crisis reconstruction contexts, through the provision of access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health information, education and services, including access to safe abortion services to the full extent of the law, and post-abortion care, to significantly reduce maternal mortality and morbidity, sexual and gender-based violence and unplanned pregnancies under these conditions.Mode of engagement:
We commit to organizing a peer workshop for 100 students at the University of the Gambia in partnership with the University of the Gambia Students’ Union on Youth Education and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights by 2020.
(8) Investing in the education, employment opportunities, health, including family planning and sexual and reproductive health services, of adolescents and youth, especially girls, so as to fully harness the promises of the demographic dividend.
Share with our communities the priority actions agreed at ICPD (6) Using national budget processes, including gender budgeting and auditing, increasing domestic financing and exploring new, participatory and innovative financing instruments and structures to ensure full, effective and accelerated implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action.
Hold national dialogues on financing for the priority actions from the ICPD
Conduct dialogue meeting with the Budget TWG of the ministry of health to advocate for allocation of resources to the action plan
Conduct dialogue meeting with the members of the standing committee of Health and Budget in Uganda Parliament to advocate for allocation of resources to priorities in the action plan raise Ministry of health...Mode of engagement:
We commit to organising monthly youth meet-ups in safe spaces in the kanifing municipality, targeting 360 students within 12 months with the aim of providing talks and steering conversations around comprehensive sexuality education and sexual and reproductive health and rights in general by December, 2020.
(4) Access for all adolescents and youth, especially girls, to comprehensive and age-responsive information, education and adolescent-friendly comprehensive, quality and timely services to be able to make free and informed decisions and choices about their sexuality and reproductive lives, to adequately protect themselves from unintended pregnancies, all forms of sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices, sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS, to facilitate a safe transition into adulthood.
We commit to using twitter to reach out to 5000 young people to share the outcomes of the summit through a twitter chat by January 2020.
(8) Investing in the education, employment opportunities, health, including family planning and sexual and reproductive health services, of adolescents and youth, especially girls, so as to fully harness the promises of the demographic dividend.
1. We commit to providing education and awareness on sexual and reproductive health and rights, focusing on climate change- health nexus through; Capacity building training for 500 primary and junior school students in the Gambia to strengthen gender and SRHR integration in Climate actions by 2022.
(8) Investing in the education, employment opportunities, health, including family planning and sexual and reproductive health services, of adolescents and youth, especially girls, so as to fully harness the promises of the demographic dividend.