Commitment title:

Strengthening and Ensuring availability of data on Population Dynamics as well Addressing inequalities faced by Women and Youth

Commitment description:

1.Strengthen and ensure availability of data on population dynamics across fertility levels, mortality and migration for inclusive growth and sustainable development.

2.Advance the use of digital technology to ensure timely availability and use of disaggregated data to guide inclusive laws and policies, resource allocation, program design and implementation to ensure appropriate targeting to Leave No One Behind.

3.Address various inequalities faced by women and youth by ending preventable maternal and newborn deaths; reducing high levels of teenage pregnancy, which also entails ensuring all women and young people who need or want contraception and family planning have access to them, without judgement or discrimination; and addressing drivers of gender-based violence and harmful practices.

Mode of engagement:
  • Programmatic action
    Strengthening of local data collection, disaggregation and management systems, and advancing the use of digital technology.
Submitted by
Southern African High and Upper Middle income Countries
Thematic area
Draw on demographic diversity to drive economic growth and achieve sustainable development
Commitment category

(10) Providing quality, timely and disaggregated data, that ensures privacy of citizens and is also inclusive of younger adolescents, investing in digital health innovations, including in big data systems, and improvement of data systems to inform policies aimed at achieving sustainable development.