Commitment title:

The San José Commitments to accelerate the fulfilment of the rights of People of African Descent in Latin America and the Caribbean (cont.)

Commitment description:

5. Promote the implementation of public policies and national and local development strategies that contribute to improving the living conditions of Afro-descendant peoples and communities, incorporating gender, intercultural, intergenerational and intersectional perspectives that contribute to meeting the specific needs of women of African descent.

6. Design and implement comprehensive national and local plans and programmes that address the problems of education, health, violence, employment, housing, political participation and other areas of development that affect people of African descent, including people in migratory situations, and to accelerate the provision of essential services that allow access to all levels of education, healthcare and sexual and reproductive health services, and the possibility to freely choose the number and spacing of children, reducing child and maternal mortality, and increase income for people of African descent.

7. Prioritize actions in favour of children and youth of African descent, with the purpose of guaranteeing the recognition of their rights, their cultural identity, their participation, as well as the implementation of measures that allow them to enjoy the right to a life free from violence, to education, to decent employment and to the necessary services that guarantee their well-being and physical, sexual and mental health, and to protect them from unplanned pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections and HIV.

8. Ensure the financing and effective implementation of the International Conference on Population and Development and Programme of Action; the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development, the Programme of Activities of the International Decade for People of African Descent and the Durban Programme of Action.

Modes of engagement:
  • Change or creation of legislation
    Legislation to promote equality of people of African descent
  • Policy and guidance
    Policies to promote equality of people of African descent
  • Programmatic action
    Programmes to promote equality of people of African descent
Commitment to be actioned in: Americas
Submitted from: Costa Rica
Submitted by
Government of Costa Rica
Commitment category

(1)  Intensify our efforts for the full, effective and accelerated implementation and funding of the ICPD Programme of Action, Key Actions for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action of the ICPD, the outcomes of its reviews, and Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.