Reducing unwanted and unplanned pregnancies in the Netherlands
Commitment description:On behalf of the Netherlands' Ministry of Health, Wellbeing and Sport, we commit to further reducing unwanted and unplanned pregnancies in the Netherlands by:
o supporting comprehensive sexuality education tailor-made for different types of secondary education;
o starting a multimedia campaign on the types and use of contraceptives and the consequences of unplanned and unwanted pregnancies;
o setting up a 24/7 information desk where women and men can get all kinds of information on unplanned and unwanted pregnancies;
o financing organizations that specialize in supporting women and men to make the right choices in their specific situations in case of unwanted and/or unplanned pregnancy.
Mode of engagement:
- Policy and guidanceMinistry of Health
(2) Zero unmet need for family planning information and services, and universal availability of quality, affordable and safe modern contraceptives.