Commitment title:

Programme effectiveness and quality insurance

Commitment description:

STP commits to intensify the efforts to accelerate its implementation and funding over next decade, and, consequently achieve the 2030 SDG Agenda. As vocally expressed at the National Conference on PopDEV held the country reiterated its commitment to:
 Ensure universal access to SRH health services and rights as part of universal health coverage as specified in the 2019-2023 Integrated RMNIA Health Strategy seeking to: Decrease the maternal mortality by 1/3 by 2030 through investments in human resources to implement national standards and clinical protocols of an integrated package on SRHMN health services; Increase the ratio of births attended by qualified health personnel from 96% to 98% by increasing in 50% obstetricians and midwives by 2023; Reduce the unmet needs in FP from 32% to 15% by 2021, ensure the zero unmet needs for FP by 2030 and increase the prevalence of contraception from 41% to 50% as stated in 2019-2022 National FP Strategic Plan; Increase the percentage of the general budget for health from 10% to 15% of GDP by 2030, allow 3% for SRH programs, and ensure allocation of funds for procurement of modern methods of contraceptives; Involve all stakeholders including parliamentarians, civil society and youth groups, in formulating, monitoring and evaluating of population and development policies and programs.
 Respond to the needs of young people pursuing to reduce the early pregnancy rate from 15% to 10% by 2023 through the intensification of CSE in all secondary schools and provision of SRH adapted to young people in all health centres and posts; Drive sustainable and inclusive economic growth as stated in the 2020-2024 NDP by harnessing the DD through investments in education, employment opportunities and health for young people; Ensure timely and disaggregated data on population to capture inequities starting with 2022 population census.
 Stand against SGBV by giving support to the implementation the 2020-2024 national GBV Strategy.

Modes of engagement:
  • Budgetary and financial
    Increase the percentage of the general budget for health from 10% to 15% of GDP by 2030. Allocation of 3% for sexual and reproductive health programs, and ensure allocation of funds for procurement of modern methods of contraceptives.
  • Policy and guidance
    Define national standards and clinical protocols of an integrated package on Sexual and Reproductive Health, Maternal and Newborn health services Elaboration 2020-2024 National Sustainable Development Plan; 2020-2024
  • Programmatic action
    Implement the 2019-2023 the Integrated Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal, Infant and Adolescent Health Strategy; 2019-2022 National FP Strategic Plan; 2020-2024 National Sustainable Development Plan; 2020-2024 National strategy against GBV
Commitment to be actioned in: Sao Tome and Principe
Submitted from: Sao Tome and Principe
Submitted by
Sao Tome and Principe
Commitment category

(1)  Intensify our efforts for the full, effective and accelerated implementation and funding of the ICPD Programme of Action, Key Actions for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action of the ICPD, the outcomes of its reviews, and Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.