Commitment title:

Participation of young people

Commitment description:

• By 2020 Ministry of Education, Culture and Research will reorganize the Governmental Commission on Youth Policies based on co-management principles in order to ensure a meaningful and result based participation of young people in the development of cross-sectorial youth policies.
• By 2025 Ministry of Education, Culture and Research will support the development of the Local Youth Councils at the community level in at least 80% of all local public administration and will support the functioning and efficiency of the school youth councils for meaningful participation in education

Commitment to be actioned in: Republic of Moldova
Submitted from: Republic of Moldova
Submitted by
Republic of Moldova
Thematic area
Draw on demographic diversity to drive economic growth and achieve sustainable development
Commitment category

(11) Committing to the notion that nothing about young people’s health and well-being can be discussed and decided upon without their meaningful involvement and participation (“nothing about us, without us”).