Increasing access to protection and reproductive health services for women and girls in humanitarian and settings
Commitment description:Yemen commits to meeting humanitarian needs of its population through provision of protection and reproductive health services for women and girls affected by conflict. We will mobilize and provide financial resources to expand access of women to reproductive health services especially in hard to reach areas by allocating at least 30 percent of our health budget for the reproductive health programs immediately when the current conflict comes to an end.
Mode of engagement:
- Programmatic actionIncreased reproductive health and protections services
(12) Ensuring that the basic humanitarian needs and rights of affected populations, especially that of girls and women, are addressed as critical components of responses to humanitarian and environmental crises, as well as fragile and post-crisis reconstruction contexts, through the provision of access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health information, education and services, including access to safe abortion services to the full extent of the law, and post-abortion care, to significantly reduce maternal mortality and morbidity, sexual and gender-based violence and unplanned pregnancies under these conditions.