Commitment title:

Increase employment prospects for young people and support young people to develop leadership and advocacy skills that assist them to be actively involved in national development

Commitment description:

Action 1: By 2023, skills programmes offered by TVET are streamlined to meet the needs of industries and support economic diversification
Action 2: By 2023, young male and female representation is achieved in at least 6 government decision making bodies and in at least 5 parliamentary
Action 3: Establish a mechanism to collect sex disaggregated employment data from tourist resorts, guesthouses and other tourism related establishments, suppliers, agents and similar entities engaged in the tourism

Mode of engagement:
  • Programmatic action
    Harnessing the demographic dividend through investing in adolescents’ and youth’s education, employment opportunities and health, including family planning and sexual and reproductive health and services
Commitment to be actioned in: Maldives
Submitted from: Maldives
Submitted by
National Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of National Planning and Infrastructure
Thematic area
Draw on demographic diversity to drive economic growth and achieve sustainable development
Commitment category

(8) Investing in the education, employment opportunities, health, including family planning and sexual and reproductive health services, of adolescents and youth, especially girls, so as to fully harness the promises of the demographic dividend.