Commitment title:

Combating Gender Based Violence

Commitment description:

We commit to:
Development of a National Strategic Plan (NSP) on gender -based violence and femicide.
Immediately set up an Interim Structure, establishing a national, multi-stakeholder Council.
Adequate resourcing of Thuthuzela Care Centres, sexual offences courts and shelters.
Development of a Code of Conduct to hold accountable the Political, community, family and business leadership.
Elimination of all forms of discrimination and violence against women and children, through the dialogues and engagement of men and boys.

Commitment to be actioned in: South Africa
Submitted from: South Africa
Submitted by
South Africa
Thematic area
Address gender-based violence and the harmful practices of child, early and forced marriages and female genital mutilation
Commitment category

(5) (a) Zero sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices, including zero child, early and forced marriage, as well as zero female genital mutilation; and (b) Elimination of all forms of discrimination against all women and girls, in order to realize all individuals’ full socio-economic potential.