Commitment title:

3. Government of North Macedonia commits to maintain low HIV prevalence (up to 5%) among people at risk of HIV infection, including young people and key populations (men having sex with man, sex workers, transgender, injecting drug users)

Commitment description:

Government of North Macedonia commits to maintain low HIV prevalence (up to 5%) among people at risk of HIV infection, including young people and key populations (men having sex with man, sex workers, transgender, injecting drug users), through:
- Increasing national budget allocation for HIV prevention and treatment Ensuring that at least 50% of the national HIV budgets are allocated to Civil Society Organizations prevention activities (Recognizing civil society organizations as key partners in HIV prevention among key populations in national programs and budgets)
- Development and implementation of innovative HIV programmes, including PrEP and PEP, HIV de-medicalization and HIV self-testing and increase financial investment for HIV prevention among men having sex with men as most vulnerable group to HIV
- Ensure quality national procurement mechanisms for ARV drugs

Commitment to be actioned in: North Macedonia
Submitted from: North Macedonia
Submitted by
Ministry of Health of the Republic of North Macedonia
Thematic area
Achieve universal access to sexual and reproductive health as a part of universal health coverage (UHC)
Commitment category

(2) Zero unmet need for family planning information and services, and universal availability of quality, affordable and safe modern contraceptives.