Commitment title:

1. Government commits that national SRH programmes and budgets take into account the needs of most vulnerable and marginalized groups, including LGBTI people, Roma, people with disabilities, poor, sex workers, migrants, elderly, adolescents and young peop

Commitment description:

Government commits that national SRH programmes and budgets take into account the needs of most vulnerable and marginalized groups, including LGBTI people, Roma, people with disabilities, poor, sex workers, migrants, elderly, adolescents and young people (MoH)
- Ensuring vulnerable and marginalized groups are inevitable part and used as experts by experience in national planning for SRH with targeted activities in order to increase access to essential SRH services and education
- Train health professionals to deliver stigma free services for marginalized groups, including LGBTI people, Roma, people with disabilities, poor, sex workers, migrants, elderly, adolescents and young people
- Commit to ensure SRH services are available, accessible, acceptable (affordable) and of high quality for all
- Adding specific budget line for SRH services for vulnerable and marginalized groups in the national budget

Commitment to be actioned in: North Macedonia
Submitted from: North Macedonia
Submitted by
Ministry of Health of the Republic of North Macedonia
Thematic area
Mobilize the required financing to finish the ICPD Programme of Action and sustain the gains already made
Commitment category

(6) Using national budget processes, including gender budgeting and auditing, increasing domestic financing and exploring new, participatory and innovative financing instruments and structures to ensure full, effective and accelerated implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action.