Commitment title:

We commit to advocate for increasing meaningful youth representation to participate at all levels of decision-making processes by 2025.

Commitment description:

The youth in the Philippines are always set aside when it comes to decision-making process. After a long year of silence, this patriotic and active youth leaders must be given chance to show their capability as being remarkable to be future leaders of the country.
This future leaders must be recognize by the Philipine government to participate in all decision-making processes that is happening in and out of the country. Their voices must be heard to acknowledge their rights and responsibilities to be prepared for a brighter future.

Mode of engagement:
  • Change or creation of legislation
    We, the youth, commit to advocate for increasing meaningful youth representation to participate at all levels of decision-making processes by 2025.
Commitment to be actioned in: Philippines
Submitted from: global
Submitted by
Buntong Youth Sectoral Organization
Thematic area
Draw on demographic diversity to drive economic growth and achieve sustainable development
Commitment category

(11) Committing to the notion that nothing about young people’s health and well-being can be discussed and decided upon without their meaningful involvement and participation (“nothing about us, without us”).