Commitment title:

Reduce Unemployment

Commitment description:

The Program of Action of the ICPD not only has not lost its value today, but also has proven itself as a program that comprehensively address the issue of population and development. Mongolia views that the implementation of the Program of Action as one of important instruments to achieve SDG 2030 goals

Mongolia has adopted a broad range of laws and policies, including “Sustainable Development Vision of Mongolia-2030” following the adoption of Sustainable Development Agenda 2030, the State Policy on Population and Law on Gender Equality, Law on Combatting against Domestic Violence, that have significantly improved the legal and policy framework

Mongolia has achieved commendable progress over the past 25 years. We have achieved sustained population growth, improved child protection system and institutionalized mechanism to prevent and protect from violence against children and women and improved statistical data collection. Mongolia is one of 9 countries, which achieved the MDG maternal reduction target by 2015. Maternal mortality has decreased from 186 per 100000 live births in 1995 to 27 in 2018

The commitments, I am going to present today on behalf of the Government of Mongolia, have been carefully negotiated and formulated based on the outcome of the National Consultation with participation of civil society and youth organizations

In Mongolia, both women and men are provided with equal access to family planning information, yet, there is no stable decrease in adolescent abortion, unintended pregnancy and childbirth rates, and women still lack access to antenatal check-ups and emergency services on time.

Therefore, First, we pledge to provide comprehensive sexual and reproductive health education to all, including adolescents, youth, people with disabilities, people living in remote areas and herder girls and women, increase the access to CSE, improve the quality of CSE to be taught by trained teachers at secondary schools.

Second, we pledge to ensure the rights of all women and girls to access quality sexual and reproductive health services that respect their privacy and confidentiality and increase the percentage of primary health care facilities providing at least five modern contraceptive methods from 30.4 percent in 2015 to at least 90 percent by 2030.

Third, we pledge to decrease the maternal mortality ratio to 15 per 100,000 live births by 2030.

Although we have institutionalized gender based violence victim protection mechanism, we need to further strengthen this mechanism in order to provide comprehensive multidisciplinary response. More needs to be done to improve the capacity of shelters that provide protection and rehabilitation services to the victims of domestic violence and to ensure that perpetrators of violence are held accountable.

With this in view, Fourth, we pledge to incorporate the issue of preventing gender based violence and violence against children into the curricula of educational institutions at all levels and enhance an accountability mechanism for the perpetrators of violence.

During the last two day discussions, we have unanimously agreed that economic empowerment of women, youth employment are crucial to realizing population and development goals. In Mongolia, despite the demographic dividend, we have had an unemployment rate of 7.8 percent in 2018. Therefore, Fifth, we pledge to sustainably decrease the unemployment rate.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to express my Government’s full commitment to the goals and principles of the ICPD Programme of Action and we are confident that ICPD 25 outcome will contribute to its full, effective and accelerated implementation.

Mode of engagement:
  • Programmatic action
    Mongolian Government commits to reduce unemployment to 6 percent by 2020, to 4 percent by 2025, and to 3 percent by 2030
Commitment to be actioned in: Mongolia
Submitted from: Mongolia
Submitted by
Thematic area
Draw on demographic diversity to drive economic growth and achieve sustainable development
Commitment category

(8) Investing in the education, employment opportunities, health, including family planning and sexual and reproductive health services, of adolescents and youth, especially girls, so as to fully harness the promises of the demographic dividend.