Commitment title:

Ensure high quality of TVET programmes and curricula focusing on both work-related skills and soft skills through research and innovation

Commitment description:

Action.1: By 2022, TVET curriculum revised in line with international industry benchmarks
Action 2: By 2021, e-platform is functional and up to date with student data
Action.3: By 2023, 5 state-of-the-art TVET training institutions established in 5 Regional Urban Centres (RUCs)

Mode of engagement:
  • Programmatic action
    Harnessing the demographic dividend through investing in adolescents’ and youth’s education, employment opportunities and health, including family planning and sexual and reproductive health and services
Commitment to be actioned in: Maldives
Submitted from: Maldives
Submitted by
National Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of National Planning and Infrastructure
Thematic area
Draw on demographic diversity to drive economic growth and achieve sustainable development
Commitment category

(8) Investing in the education, employment opportunities, health, including family planning and sexual and reproductive health services, of adolescents and youth, especially girls, so as to fully harness the promises of the demographic dividend.