Commitment title:

Creating a supportive environment to meet the unmet needs of family planning

Commitment description:

Jordan continues to commit itself to providing quality information, advice and family planning services based on the human rights approach, especially remote areas and vulnerable groups, as contained in the National Strategy for Reproductive Health (2020-2024) and in the cost-effective implementation Plan for Family Planning (2020-2024). The provision of family planning through the Ministry of Health and its distribution to all stakeholders and the improvement in using modern family planning methods from 37.4% in 2018 to 43.3% in 2025.

Modes of engagement:
  • Policy and guidance
    providing supportive environment (legislation, information policies) to provide quality family planning services to meet the unmet needs of family planning for women
  • Programmatic action
    Follow up the implementation of the National Strategy for Reproductive and Sexual Health for the years 2020-2024, and monitor the progress of implementation by the concerned authorities
Commitment to be actioned in: Jordan
Submitted from: Jordan
Submitted by
Higher population council, JORDAN
Thematic area
Achieve universal access to sexual and reproductive health as a part of universal health coverage (UHC)
Commitment category

(2) Zero unmet need for family planning information and services, and universal availability of quality, affordable and safe modern contraceptives.